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After the Association for a Green Earth obtained the approval of the relevant authorities, to register it as a voluntary environmental association, the founders held the first founding meeting in the Belgian city of Liège on 10/10/2023, and the two founding members attended.
Amjad Al-Ibrahimi
Ammar Hefzy
Amjad Al-Ibrahimi was chosen as president of the association and Ammar Hefzy as financial director. Mr. Asaad Abdel-Kadhim was nominated as a volunteer administrative member.
It was decided to open membership to the association for those interested in environmental affairs, tree planting, and protection from desertification and drought
Names of the General Assembly.
In the process of forming
Members of the Board of Directors in its first session
Name Nationality Qualification Email Date of joining
Amjad Al-Ibrahimi is a Belgian-Iraqi film director
Ammar Hefzi is a Belgian-Iraqi businessman

The strategic operational plan for the Association for a Green Earth
Operational plans, whether strategic or annual plans, are adopted by the Association for a Green Land to reach its goals. In the planning process, it attracts people interested in actively implementing the association’s package of plans, even if they were not involved in the early founding stages. The strategic operational plan includes: the following:
• Preparing and following up on the required administrative and executive steps and procedures.
• Choose people who will bear responsibility for implementing each step successfully.
• Determine the timetable for implementing steps and procedures.
• Search for available resources that will be allocated to implement the plan.
Operational plan for 2024
  Project plan card No. 1
The project is to plant 10,000 trees in the city of Baghdad
Project Description: In continuation of previous projects in which more than 8,000 trees were planted in some areas of Baghdad threatened by desertification, another 10,000 trees will be planted.
The project implementation date is from February 25 until the end of March 2024
The implementing agency is the Association for a Green Land
Project manager Amjad Al-Ibrahimi
Number of participants: Work is underway to attract those interested in the environment and combating desertification in the city of Baghdad, and to communicate with volunteers in the three previous projects that took place on 06/25/2022, 10/19/2022 and 03/15/2023. The expected number of volunteers will be approximately 100 young volunteers. Young women at a minimum.
Performance indicators: Based on the good success of the three previous projects in the years 2022 and 2023, and through communication with volunteers and their readiness, we ensure the presence of a good number of them to implement the tree planting project.
The project aims to enhance communication and interaction with volunteers and those interested in combating desertification and planting trees.
Continue planting trees by 10,000 trees, so that the total of what was planted during the previous projects and the subsequent project will be 18,000 trees.
Urging municipal authorities in Baghdad to provide regular watering for tree growth.
Steps to implement the project: * Search for supporters and donors to purchase the required trees.
* Constant communication with volunteers in order to choose nurseries that possess the types of trees that will be selected.
* Permanent communication with the Municipality of the capital, Baghdad, in order to allocate land to continue agriculture there, as was done in the previous three projects.
* The project manager travels to Baghdad at the end of February, mobilizes volunteers and communicates with the Municipality of the Capital in order to plant 10,000 trees.
* Agreement on a tree watering system with the Capital Municipality administration and its workers in the tree planting area during and after the project.
* The project ends on March 30.
* Filming a documentary of the stages of purchasing trees, preparing the land, communicating with the relevant departments, and planting trees.

Project plan card No. 2
The project is a conference to announce tree planting projects and educate citizens, especially young people, about the importance of environmental safety.
Description of the project: Set a date, announce it well, and mobilize the largest possible number of young people in order to discuss the environmental reality in the city of Baghdad, the desertification and drought it suffers from, and the impact that planting trees in areas devoid of them has on the safety of the environment in the city.
The project implementation date is the last third of March 2024
The implementing agency is the Association for a Green Land
Project manager Amjad Al-Ibrahimi
Number of participants: Work is being done to attract those interested in the environment and combating desertification in the city of Baghdad, and through means of communication, extensive advertisements, and the efforts of volunteers, we seek to attract more than 500 young people to attend the conference.
Performance indicators The active group of volunteers cooperating with the association confirms that the possibility of attracting 500 young people in one of the halls that will be rented for this purpose is possible and guaranteed, especially if it is well advertised.
Project Objectives: To attract young people to efforts aimed at preserving the environment, combating desertification, and planting trees.
* Expanding the circle of volunteer team to plant trees.
* Preparing for the fifth tree planting project in order to plant 10,000 trees in various areas of Baghdad.
Steps to implement the project: * Searching for supporters and donors in order to rent the hall, provide appropriate advertising, and buy what we need at the conference, such as water, juices, and some biscuits.
* Constant communication with volunteers in order to choose a suitable hall, choose effective advertising methods, and communicate personally with those interested.
* Showing a documentary film that will be filmed for the 10,000 tree planting campaign... for a visual illustration of the project.
* Register a list of names of those interested in joining the association’s tree planting projects in the future.

  Project plan card number 3
The project is to make a documentary film about Project No. 1 and Project No. 2
Description of the project: A documentary film about the stages of planting 10,000 trees, with reference to the 8,000 trees that were planted in the years 2022 and 2023, and benefiting from what was filmed during previous projects.
The project implementation date is March 2024
The implementing agency is the Association for a Green Land
Project manager Asaad Abdel Kadhim Al-Hilali
Number of participants: The film crew is two people, in addition to one editor
Performance Indicators: The project manager has great experience and is a professional in making documentaries, so we will certainly get a good, impactful film if it is shown on social media or television channels.
The project's objectives are to record the important events related to combating the desertification of the city of Baghdad and to alert it to the danger of drought and desertification and the importance of planting trees in combating this danger.
Steps to implement the project: * Search for supporters and donors in order to rent a professional camera and suitable lenses, and carry out the editing operations in a good company.
* Showing the documentary film about what was implemented in Project No. 1, during the conference (Project No. 2), then broadcasting it extensively through social media, and donating copies of it to television channels in order to broadcast it.

These three projects are examples of similar projects that will be implemented during 2024
Voluntary system of the Association for a Green Earth
The following phrases and words, wherever they appear, have the meanings specifically stated in front of them, unless the context of the text requires otherwise.Volunteer work: Every effort or work offered by a natural or legal person by choice, without coaxing or intimidation, with the intention of providing a service to society by preserving the environment, combating desertification and drought, and planting trees.The objectives of the Association for a Green Earth in volunteer work:
• Preparing participation teams when establishing the association’s projects in any place it chooses to implement its projects.
• Organizing volunteer work and distributing roles to participants.
• Developing feelings of concern for the environment, land, and combating desertification among young people, especially of both genders.
• Developing the feelings and ideas that motivate young people of both sexes to volunteer, especially in the field of the environment.
• Supporting a volunteer who possesses certain skills by working to develop them and urging others to possess these skills and helping them obtain them.
• Emphasizing the need for volunteers to communicate with each other and with others to develop social and human ties between them and others.
• Avoiding randomness in the work of volunteers, which is caused by their lack of communication in projects that are close in time.
Volunteer work procedures by the association’s management.
• Determine the period during which the volunteer wishes to work.
• Determine the tasks assigned to the volunteer.
• Identify the volunteers’ supervisor and how to achieve communication between him and the volunteers.
• Commitment of the project or team management to the tasks assigned to volunteers.
• Preparing reports to evaluate the volunteer’s role.
• Creating a register with the beneficiary entity that records the names of volunteers, the number of hours of volunteer work, and the work they performed within the association’s project.
• The volunteer has the right to obtain a memorandum issued by the association confirming the efforts he has made, specifying the period of volunteer work in which he participated, and the association’s evaluation of his efforts.
• The volunteer has the right to obtain the necessary training in the volunteer field he chose to serve the association’s project from the supervisor or any person designated by the supervisor who has sufficient experience to train the volunteer.
• The volunteer is entitled to obtain the hazard-protective clothing and work equipment he needs to carry out his volunteer work.
• The volunteer is entitled to receive food and transportation during his work period.
• The volunteer has the right to receive good treatment in the event that he is injured during his volunteer work.
• The volunteer must observe public and professional safety conditions during field work.
System: Volunteer work system
Committee: What the association forms in order to organize volunteer work.
Volunteer: A person who declares his willingness to work on the association’s projects without financial or moral compensation.
Beneficiary entity: Any non-profit entity that benefits from volunteer work, whether public or private.
Volunteer Team: A group of individuals who engage in volunteer work, according to a plan developed by the Association for a Green Earth, to achieve specific and common goals.

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