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financial management

Financial management of the Pour Une Terre Verte

The financial management of the Association for a Green Land is organized by a list that has been agreed upon by the Board of Directors and will be presented to the General Assembly once it is formed for approval. The financial regulations adopt the following principles:
The purpose of the financial regulations: to set the basic rules for the association’s financial system, by applying the regulations, regulations, instructions, and rules regulating work, in a way that does not conflict with the financial and tax regulations of the Kingdom of Belgium, and to preserve the association’s financial resources and invest them to achieve the association’s projects under the control and supervision of the General Assembly.
Definitions: The following expressions have the meanings indicated next to each of them, unless the context requires otherwise.
Association: Association for a Green Earth
General Assembly: The General Assembly of the Association for a Green Earth, which consists of a minimum of 21 members.
Board of Directors: The Board of Directors of the Association for a Green Earth, which is the body authorized to propose projects, plan them, and work on their implementation after the General Assembly votes in its favour. It is the body that holds the financial, administrative, and legal powers to implement projects, and which has the powers to deal with organizations, external parties, government departments, and others. Governmental.
Chairman of the Board of Directors: The person who performs the duties of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association for a Green Earth
Executive Director: The person who carries out the executive management of the projects of the Association for a Green Earth, and is responsible for implementing the association’s plans and policies.
Financial Supervisor: He is the financial supervisor of the Association for a Green Earth. He carries out his work in accordance with the plans, policies and programs approved by the Board of Directors. He must inform the Board of Directors of the progress of his work, and he has financial management powers in accordance with the approved financial plan, and he participates with the Chairman of the Board of Directors. In signing documents and papers related to the financial aspect.
Accountant: He is the accountant of the Green Earth Association. He works under the supervision of the financial supervisor. He performs calculations in accordance with the approved accounting systems and principles. He writes periodic reports on the financial and accounting aspects of the association, and special reports on the projects that have been completed in order to discuss them before the general assembly for evaluation. The extent of the success of the financial policy for these projects.
Regulations: Financial regulations of the Association for a Green Earth

Part One: General Provisions
Article 1: The association’s fiscal year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31.
Article 2: What is contained in these regulations does not intersect with the financial systems of the Kingdom of Belgium, and the system of associations, organizations and non-profit institutions.
Article 3: The association’s financial supervisor and accountant are responsible for implementing its financial activities.
Article 4: The association’s employees are responsible for implementing the provisions of these regulations, each in his field of competence.
Article 5: Everything that is not stated in these regulations is considered within the powers of the Board of Directors, or its delegate, in a manner that does not conflict with the bylaws and regulations issued by the relevant authorities.
Article 6: Funds are deposited in banks known by the General Assembly and the Board of Directors, and a current account is allocated for disbursement of the association’s emergency expenses, and the signatures of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Financial Supervisor are approved for disbursement.
Article 7: The Board of Directors has the authority to amend or cancel some provisions of the guide, or issue a new guide as required by the interest of the association, especially in the event of expansion of its tasks and projects.
Article 8: The financial supervisor is responsible for implementing the articles of this regulation, adhering to them, discussing them before the General Assembly, and following up on them in the various departments, whether governmental or non-governmental, or with individuals associated with the association in any possible way.
Article 9: In the event of any disagreement related to the articles of the regulations, recourse will be made to the Board of Directors, which is responsible for issuing interpretive decisions for the provisions of these regulations.
Article 10: These regulations shall be effective within one month from the date of their approval by the General Assembly.

Chapter Two: The Association’s Budget
The association's budget contains:
• All projects, programs, activities and services that are planned to be implemented during the next fiscal year.
• All consumer needs and purchases scheduled during the next fiscal year.
• All revenues achieved and expected during the next fiscal year in addition to what is considered the balance from the previous year.
Annual estimated budget objectives:
• It expresses a work plan prepared and organized on a scientific and realistic basis, based on studies of the volume of revenues and expenses.
• Clarifies approved plans for future activities and projects.
• It helps management determine its future policy and define those policies.
• It is used as a tool to measure the efficiency of the association’s overall performance.
• It is used as an internal control tool through comparisons between estimated and actual numbers, through which the weak points of the plans are discovered and work is done to address them.
• It helps to estimate the association’s financial needs, and what is sufficient to pay the association’s periodic obligations on an ongoing basis.
Chapter Three: Association revenues
• Subsidies, grants and donations provided by governmental and semi-governmental agencies, associations and legal persons, whether they are restricted for a specific project and used according to the budget of the specific project, or unrestricted and used for the association’s various requirements or for any of its projects.
• Subscriptions for members of the association are 20 euros per person.
Chapter Four: Association expenses
• Expenses are recorded in the accounting records on a daily basis, in accordance with the financial rules and regulations to which the association is subject.
• Wages and expenses for projects are paid according to their actual entitlements.
• An operational advance under the custody of the Executive Director may be disbursed by a decision of the Board of Directors. The terms of disbursement are precisely specified, and the Executive Director must submit a report explaining the aspects of disbursement of the advance.
• The financial supervisor and accountant must provide original documents in cases of purchase or disbursement for the association’s project needs. The documents must meet the necessary data and be free from scratches and modifications.
• Annual depreciation of the association’s fixed assets is calculated according to generally accepted and approved accounting rates.
• Routine expenses, such as renting the headquarters, using cars, or electricity and water expenses, are calculated according to the approved invoices.
• In the event that original disbursement documents are lost before their amount is disbursed or settled, it is possible to use photocopied documents to complete the disbursement process after the approval of the Board of Directors, which must verify in writing the cause and circumstances of the loss and ensure that the disbursement was not made in advance.
Chapter Five: Accounting records and documents
• Accounting records, financial statements and all accounting operations must be kept in a way that allows any relevant party to access them at any time.
• At the end of the fiscal year, the financial supervisor closes the accounts and prepares the final report, in accordance with the association’s financial rules and systems.
• The association opens records for all accounts (imports, expenditures, settlement accounts, assets, liabilities, property rights, and current accounts) and according to the activities and projects undertaken by the association, and these records are subject to oversight by the concerned authorities.
Chapter Six: Financial Reports
• The financial supervisor prepares a periodic report, every three months, on the financial situation of the association and submits it to the executive director and from there to the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
• The final accounts are presented at the end of the financial year to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and after their approval by the Board of Directors, they are presented to the General Assembly for approval.
• The financial supervisor closes the accounts at the end of the fiscal year and presents his reports and records to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, who in turn obtains the approval of the General Assembly after discussing them.

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